Tuesday 25 March 2014

Ben Pure Summarizes Different Aspects of Weight Loss Regimes

Rising trends of obesity have encouraged people to go for quick fix solutions that are available online. Ben Pure cautions against use of such over-rated methods of weight loss, since these can only burn holes in your pockets instead of burning calories.

Being overweight exposes females to multiple problems, including irregularity of menstruation, pregnancy induced hypertension, and so forth. Similarly, men are at higher risk of developing hypertension, apart from certain types of cancers.

We all must remember that there are no short cuts to weight loss and any weight loss regime that promises results within a few weeks is a fraud.

Crash diets do more harm than good by depriving body of vital nutrients. Certain medicines suppress appetite and these must be strictly avoided.

There are crash courses involving rigorous exercises that promise instant weight loss. Following these programs may land you in hospital with ligament or orthopedic injury that may take months to heal.

Losing weight is a long-term process that involves diet and exercise, adds Ben Pure. Fasting is against nature, since our body needs energy to function and without proteins our tissues and cells stop multiplying.

Never get impressed by short-term diet courses, since most of those who fall for such gimmicks usually switch back to normal diet,
leading to weight gain.

It is natural for most of the women to gain weight after childbirth. This gain in weight can be more than 10 kgs. However, weight gain due to excess intake of calories or lack of physical activities should be avoided.

Modern lifestyles have changed food habits for worse. Ideally, eating at proper time helps our system metabolize the food in a proper way. With availability of street food, fast food, and many more such options, people tend to eat anytime.

Same goes true for consumption of soft drinks. Modern youth is consuming more soft drinks than water. These soft drinks contain high amounts of sugar and contribute significantly to weight gain.

Eating chocolates has become a fashion and this can be blamed on aggressive marketing strategies of chocolate manufacturing companies.

Weight gain is a slow process and, therefore, any effort that is made to lose excess weight should consist of long-term goals.

Planning your diet and exercise by consulting your doctor and following it rigorously is the only way to the dream figure on weighing scale, concludes Benjamin Pure.

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